If you are working on RHEL, then to use the disk in ASM diskgroup, the disks need to be labeled with ASM.
Earlier oracleasm utility was used for this purpose. But oracle developed its own ASM filter driver(AFD), which can be used for this .

SEE ALSO : Oracleasm utility in oracle

1. First check afd is enabled or not?

[root]# export ORACLE_HOME=/u01/app/19.0.0/grid
[root]# export ORACLE_BASE=/u01/app/grid
[root]# export PATH=$ORACLE_HOME/bin:$PATH
[root]# asmcmd
ASMCMD> afd_state
ASMCMD-9526: The AFD state is 'LOADED' and filtering is 'ENABLED' on host 'ECAEEDBTL0123'

2. Find list of existing asm labeled disks:

[root]# /u01/app/19.0.0/grid/bin/asmcmd afd_lslbl
Label                     Duplicate  Path
DATA1                                 /dev/sde
FRA1                                  /dev/sdf
GIMR1                                 /dev/sdg
GIMR2                                 /dev/sdh
OCR_VOTING1                           /dev/sdi
OCR_VOTING2                           /dev/sdj
OCR_VOTING3                           /dev/sdk

3. List down the raw disks you need to label with asm:


[rootdev]#  lsblk -f
NAME          FSTYPE      LABEL       UUID                                   MOUNTPOINT
sde           oracleasm   DATA1
sdf           oracleasm   FRA1
sdg           oracleasm   GIMR1
sdh           oracleasm   GIMR2
sdi           oracleasm   OCR_VOTING1
sdj           oracleasm   OCR_VOTING2
sdk           oracleasm   OCR_VOTING3

4. Label the raw disks:

Note – in case of multi-node RAC, you need to label this disk only on one node.

[root]# /u01/app/19.0.0/grid/bin/asmcmd afd_label REDO1 /dev/sdr
[root]# /u01/app/19.0.0/grid/bin/asmcmd afd_label REDO2 /dev/sds

[root]#  /u01/app/19.0.0/grid/bin/asmcmd afd_lslbl
Label                     Duplicate  Path
DATA1                                 /dev/sde
FRA1                                  /dev/sdf
GIMR1                                 /dev/sdg
GIMR2                                 /dev/sdh
OCR_VOTING1                           /dev/sdi
OCR_VOTING2                           /dev/sdj
OCR_VOTING3                           /dev/sdk
REDO1                                 /dev/sdr
REDO2                                 /dev/sds

[root]# /u01/app/19.0.0/grid/bin/asmcmd afd_lsdsk
Label                     Filtering   Path
DATA1                       ENABLED   /dev/sde
FRA1                        ENABLED   /dev/sdf
GIMR1                       ENABLED   /dev/sdg
GIMR2                       ENABLED   /dev/sdh
OCR_VOTING1                 ENABLED   /dev/sdi
OCR_VOTING2                 ENABLED   /dev/sdj
OCR_VOTING3                 ENABLED   /dev/sdk
REDO1                       ENABLED   /dev/sds
REDO2                       ENABLED   /dev/sdr

run the same afd_lsdsk command on other rac nodes also. In case you are unable to see the disks, then
run below command.

/u01/app/19.0.0/grid/bin/asmcmd afd_scan

5. Now you can create asm diskgroup using this disks:


How to unlabel a disk:

If you to release a disk, then you can unlabel the disk with below command.

[root]# /u01/app/19.0.0/grid/bin/asmcmd afd_unlabel REDO1