How to deinstall/cleanup standalone grid infrastructure

Below are the steps to deinstall or cleanup oracle standalone grid infrastructure setup. 1. Login with grid owner and ( i.e oracle or grid). export GRID_HOME=/oracle/app/oracle/product/ cd $GRID_HOME/deinstall 2. Run deinstall tool cd $GRID_HOME/deinstall ./deinstall cd $GRID_HOME/deinstall ./deinstall $ ./deinstall Checking for required files and bootstrapping … Please wait … Location of logs /tmp/deinstall2019-10-02_10-53-45AM/logs/ ############ […]

How to Downgrade oracle 19C Grid to 12C GRID

In the pervious article we have explained the STEPS FOR GRID UGPRADE FROM 12C TO 19C. Now We will explain the steps for downgrade oracle 19c 2 node GRID to oracle GRID. ENVIRONMENT DETAILS: 2 NODES – dbhost1 and dbhost2 Grid owner – oracle 19C ORACLE_HOME(current) – > /sharearea/crs/grid19c 12C ORACLE_HOME (old) -> /crs/app/oracle/product/grid12c […]

Upgrade grid infrastructure to 19C oracle

The latest oracle version is oracle 19C . In the below article we will explain the steps for upgrading grid infrastructure to 19c from oracle 12c  . The upgrade will be done in rolling mode. Current configuration – > No of nodes – 2 node current version – os platform – Solaris grid owner […]

How to flashback a RAC database

Below are the steps for flashback a database to restore point in a RAC database. 1. Check the restore point details. SELECT NAME FROM V$RESTORE_POINT; NAME ———— STAGE_CR178 2. Check the status of the database. srvctl status database -d DBPRE Instance DBPRE1 is running on node dbats-2 Instance DBPRE2 is running on node dbats-2 SQL> […]

How to move spfile from file system to ASM in RAC

Below are the steps for moving spfile from file system to ASM diskgroup in RAC. database name – ORCL instance_names – ORCL1,ORCL2 oracle DB nodes – dbhstorcl1, dbhstorcl2 1. Check current pfile location: SQL> show parameter pfile NAME TYPE VALUE ———————————— ———– —————————— spfile string /oracle/app/oracle/product/dbs/temp_init.ora 2. Now required directory in ASM diskgroup(where pfile will […]

How to change spfile in Oracle RAC.

If we are changing spfile in oracle RAC, then we need to use additional SID parameter in the alter system command. Here SID is the instance_name. For changing the parameter in both the instances of the RAC. alter system set SEC_CASE_SENSITIVE_LOGON=FALSE scope=both sid=’*’; For changing the parameter in a specific instance. alter system set job_queue_processes=500 […]

Oracle local registry(OLR) in RAC

ORACLE LOCAL REGISTRY(OLR) contains node-specific information required by OHASD . Every node has its own dedicated OLR file.(not shared between the nodes). As OCRs files are present in ASM diskgroup, While starting the CRS, it wont be able to Access OCR file to find the cluster resource information. Because at this point ASM instance would […]


OLSNODES provides information related RAC nodes. 1. List of nodes in the cluster olsnodes prod54-1 prod55-1 2.Nodes with node number olsnodes -n prod54-1 1 prod55-1 2 3.Node with vip olsnodes -i prod54-1 prod54-1-vip prod55-1 prod55-1-vip 4. Nodes with status olsnodes -s -t prod54-1 Active Unpinned prod55-1 Active Unpinned  5.Leaf or Hub olsnodes -a prod54-1 Hub […]

How to create ACFS file system in RAC using command line:

ACFS i.e Oracle ASM Cluster File System is cluster file system service used for High availability services. Example – For achieving high availability in goldenate for Oracle RAC, we can use ACFS for goldengate relate files. In this article, we will show how to create a ACFS file system in oracle RAC using command line. […]

Create password files for database in ASM diskgroup

Below are the steps for creating password file for database in ASM diskgroup . This method is valid only for oracle 12c onwards. SYNTAX – ASMCMD> pwcreate –dbuniquename {db_unique_name} {file_path}  {sys_password} Example: Here we will create a password file with dbuniquename PRDPRE. ASMCMD> pwcreate –dbuniquename PRDPRE +DATA/PWDFILE/pwdPRDPRE oracle Check whether new pwdfile is created or […]