OPATCHAUTO-72088: OPatch software version in homes selected for patching are different.

PROBLEM:   While  analyzing/applying patch to both grid and db at a same time using opatchauto command , got below error. root@dbaclass01:/export/home/oracle# /gridapp/app/oracle/product/grid12c/OPatch/opatchauto apply /oradbtrace/JAN2021BP/32131231 -analyze OPatchauto session is initiated at Thu Apr 15 11:10:45 2021 System initialization log file is /gridapp/app/oracle/product/grid12c/cfgtoollogs/opatchautodb/systemconfig2021-04-15_11-10-50AM.log. Session log file is /gridapp/app/oracle/product/grid12c/cfgtoollogs/opatchauto/opatchauto2021-04-15_11-12-20AM.log The id for this session is UVGK dbaclass01 […]

How to modify scan name in oracle RAC

Recently We have built a 2 node RAC.  However after setting up everything, came to know that , we have configured wrong scan-name during the installation .  So we have used below method to update the scan name . Steps for modifying the scan name in oracle RAC. existing scan_name -> mumprd-scan new scan_name   […]

How to apply JDK patch in oracle database

Recently we got a notification from security Team, that the java versions inside the ORACLE_HOME were outdated, and those need to be updated to the latest one. So We checked in  oracle support portal and found out what is the latest jdk patch available and then applied the same on respective servers. In this below […]

How to change private interconnect details in oracle grid

Below are the steps for changing private interconnect details in oracle GRID/RAC  12c. In our case we will change the private interface name from eth7 to eth8(after confirmation from network team). 1. Check the interface details : ( from root user) [root@dbhost1 ~]$ $GRID_HOME/bin/oifcfg getif bond0  global  public eth7  global  cluster_interconnect,asm. — > […]

How to setup password less ssh connectivity using

Before starting RAC setup between two nodes, we need to have password less ssh connectivity between the nodes. There is a manual process to enable ssh connectivity . However oracle is providing a simple script, that will automate the steps.   SEE -> How to setup ssh connectivity manually script will be available […]

How to recreate MGMT database in ORACLE 12C GRID

From 12c onwards, MGMTDB which is known as GRID INFRASTRUCTURE MANAGEMENT REPOSITORY( GIMR) , stores diagnostic and performance related data for GRID infrastructure. This MGMTDB is created as part of oracle grid installation. However there might be some instances where mgmtdb gets corrupted or requirement is to move the database to another diskgroup, then solution […]

How to install OPatch in ORACLE RAC

In this article I will explain how to install/upgrade OPatch utility in grid_home and oracle_home in a RAC infrastructure. Opatch utility is used while applying patches to the database. Every readme file (that comes with patch), mention the recommended opatch version. If your existing opatch version is lower than the recommended version then, Opatch need […]

Apply database proactive bundle patch in RAC using manual process

From oracle 12c onward Bundle patches/PSU patch can be applied to oracle GRID or database home using opatchauto utility which simplifies the patching process.   NOTE – >  WHAT IS PROACTIVE BUNDLE PATCH  ->  APPLY BUNDLE PATCH  TO GRID USING OPATCHAUTO   However recently i faced an issue where due to opatch utility issue, we are […]

How to generate AWR report in RAC

AWR report can be generating in RAC database using 2 scripts awrrpt.sql or awrrpti.sql awrrpt.sql – > This will generate the one report for the database across all the nodes(i.e for all instances) for a partiular snapshot range. awrrpti.sql – > This will genereate report for a particular instance, i.e for a 2 node RAC […]

Steps for changing public hostname for a standalone grid infrastructure

If you are planning to change the hostname and ipaddress of the standalone grid infrastructure ( oracle restart), then we need to do below deconfig and reconfig on the grid setup. 1. Stop the has $GRID_HOME/bin/crsctl stop has 2 . Run the deconfig tool ( from root user ) export GRID_HOME=/gridapp/app/oracle/product/ $GRID_HOME/crs/install/ -deconfig -force [root@dbhost-prod […]