Oracle Data Guard and Oracle GoldenGate are disaster recovery software used for data replication. The two software are mainly the top picks for disaster recovery. Other software like...
Shell script to monitor goldengate process
OBJECTIVE: Write a script is to monitor goldengate processes like extract and replicat, And in case extract or replicat is down, it will send alert to the respective email ids. SOLUTION: Below is the ...
COLS & COLSEXCEPT filter parameters are used to exclude or include(select) few columns of a table from goldengate extraction. i.e if a table on source has 5 column, a...
Schema replication using oracle goldengate
In this tutorial, we will explain how to do schema replication in goldengate. Schema replication means, replicating all the tables of a schema. 1. add supplemental for all tables of a schema [ ...
Enable DDL replication in goldengate
In this below tutorial, we will enable DDL replication for a table, which is already part of goldengate replication and currently only DML transactions are getting replicated. TABLE_NAME = APPLIAN...
Adding new table to a existing extract and replicat in goldengate
Below are the steps for adding a new table to the existing extract and replicat. In this example, we will add DBACLASS.SAL table to existing replication. 1.stop extract and pump process [ SOURCE] GGSC...
Setting up Table replication in oracle goldengate
In this below tutorial, we will setup one-way goldengate replication for below two tables from database SRCDB to TRGDB. DBACLASS.EMP; DBACLASS.DEPT; SEE – Oracle goldengate Fundamentals NOTE ...
Obey command in goldengate
Like we execute .sql file against SQL, we can write multiple goldengate commands inside a .oby file and execute it against GGSCI prompt using OBEY command. EXAMPLE: In the below example, we will add s...
RMAN-08137: WARNING: archived log not deleted, needed for standby
PROBLEM: Archive logs are not getting deleted with RMAN command, and it is reporting below warnings. RMAN-08137: WARNING: archived log not deleted, needed for standby or upstream capture process archi...
Defgen utility in Oracle goldengate
If source and target table structures are different, like source has then we need to use definition file in replicat file. Example: Here we will generate definition file of a table DBACLASS.E...