Now we can spool spool CSV or JSON from Oracle Database. Prior to 12.2 , we can spool as text or html, but from 12.2 onward, the SET MARKUP command now has a CSV option to output data in CSV format. Syntax CSV {ON|OFF} [DELIMI[TER] character] [QUOTE {ON|OFF}] Traditionally you wiill get formatted output (without […]
DBMS_TNS package for tnsping in database Oracle 12.2
DBMS_TNS package provides the RESOLVE_TNSNAME function to resolve a TNS name and return the corresponding Oracle Net8 connection string.When you connect locally to the server (no SQL*Net, no listener), the Oracle session inherits the client environment. It is available on oracle 12.2 Release . The DBMS_TNS package contains one function, RESOLVE_TNSNAME, which returns the […]
Long Identifiers In Oracle 12.2
SQL*Plus now supports object lengths of 128 bytes. In previous releases, the object length limit was 30 bytes and if you try to create object with length more than 30, it will throw error as ORA-00972: identifier is too long. Oracle 12.2 increases the maximum size of most identifiers from 30 to 128 bytes, which […]
SQLPlus History In Oracle 12.2 New feature
In Oracle 12.2, SQL*Plus can keep the history of the commands executed. You can enable or disable the HISTORY command in the current SQL*Plus session by using the SET HISTORY command. The history feature is not enabled by default, so after you start SQL*Plus, you need to enable history by running “set hist[ory] on” SQL> […]
PDB Lockdown Profiles in Oracle 12.2
Use the ALTER LOCKDOWN PROFILE statement to alter a PDB lockdown profile. You can use PDB lockdown profiles in a multitenant environment to restrict user operations in pluggable databases (PDBs). Pluggable databases bring a new separation of database administrator roles. The DBA administers the container database, the CDB, but can then delegate the administration of […]
Lock account automatically with INACTIVE_ACCOUNT_TIME
In Oracle 12.2 Release We can use the INACTIVE_ACCOUNT_TIME resource parameter in profile to automatically lock the account of a database user who has not logged in to the database instance in a specified number of days. 1. By default, it is set to UNLIMITED. 2. The minimum setting is 15 and the maximum is […]
RMAN active cloning from RAC TO RAC
Below are the steps for doing RMAN from RAC to RAC. Steps will be same from NON RAC TO RAC . For standalone database – Rman active cloning for standalone 12c database SOURCE DB RAC NODE- prodb1-host,prodb2-host DBNAME – PRODB : Oracle INSTANCE NAMES – PRODB1,PRODB2 Oracle TARGET DB RAC NODE – clonedb1-host,clonedb2-host DBNAME […]
Upgrade database from to
Oracle database version is recently released. I searched the database software for Solaris platform, Found it in oracle edelivery. I downloaded the software from edelivery and did an installation and upgrade on a test box. SEE ALSO: Upgrade database from 11g to 12cR1 using manual method Upgrade database from 11g to 12cR1 […]
Datapump New features in Oracle 12.2
A lot of enhancements has been done in Oracle 12.2 Release. In this article We will explain the new features of datapump utility in oracle 12.2 Release. 1.Parfile content written to logfile: Till now, log file of expdp or impdp, doesn’t store the content of parfile, The log file used to […]
Convert non partitioned table to partitioned online Oracle 12.2
This is one of the new feature of oracle 12.2 release . Non-partitioned tables can be converted to partitioned table online without any downtime to the application , i.e no impact to the DML activities. Till now for this activity, we were using dbms_redef methods. But in Oracle 12.2 release this has been simplified much. […]