While granting sysdba privilege to an user, got below error.

SQL> grant sysdba to MONITUSER;

ERROR at line 1:
ORA-28017: The password file is in the legacy format


Recently we upgraded our database from 11g to 12c. And It is an expected behaviour from database release onwards.

Check the format of the pwd file.

$ orapwd describe file=orapwPROD

Password file Description : format=LEGACY ignorecase=N

As the format of the password file is of LEGACY format, it is not capable of holding the SHA-512 verifiers.( NEW IN ORACLE 12C).

So, to fix it, either create a new password file or convert the legacy file to new 12c format.

1. Create a new password file:

orapwd file=orapwPROD password=oracle#123  force=y format=12

2. convert the legacy file to new format.

orapwd file=orapwPROD  password=oracle#123 force=y  format=12 input_file=orapwPROD