While doing flashback on a table, got below error:

17:13:10 SQL> flashback table dbaclass.DEP_TAB to timestamp sysdate – 1/144;
flashback table dbaclass.DEP_TAB to timestamp sysdate – 1/144
ERROR at line 1:
ORA-08189: cannot flashback the table because row movement is not enabled



To flashback a table, we need to enable row movement.

 select table_name,ROW_MOVEMENT from dba_tables where table_name='DEP_TAB'
TABLE_NAME              ROW_MOVE
----------------------- --------
DEP_TAB                 DISABLED

 SQL> alter table dbaclass.DEP_TAB enable row movement;

Table altered.

SQL> select table_name,ROW_MOVEMENT from dba_tables where table_name='DEP_TAB';

TABLE_NAME              ROW_MOVE
----------------------- --------
DEP_TAB                 ENABLED

Now run flashback again.

17:22:20 SQL> flashback table dbaclass.DEP_TAB to timestamp sysdate - 1/144;

Flashback complete.