Sql query failed with ORA-02394: exceeded session limit on IO usage error.
SQL> select count(*) from dba_objects; select count(*) from dba_objects * ERROR at line 1: ORA-02394: exceeded session limit on IO usage, you are being logged off
This error comes, when the sessions exceeds the value of LOGICAL_READS_PER_SESSION defined in user profile. To fix it , We need to increase the value of LOGICAL_READS_PER_SESSION in the user profile.
Let’s reproduce this error.
1. Get the current value of LOGICAL_READS_PER_SESSION in user profile
select a.username,b.PROFILE,b.RESOURCE_NAME,b.limit from dba_users a , dba_profiles b where a.profile=b.profile and b.RESOURCE_NAME=’LOGICAL_READS_PER_SESSION’ and a.username=’&USER_NAME’;
SQL> select a.username,b.PROFILE,b.RESOURCE_NAME,b.limit from dba_users a , dba_profiles b where a.profile=b.profile and b.RESOURCE_NAME='LOGICAL_READS_PER_SESSION' and a.username='&USER_NAME'; Enter value for user_name: TEST9 old 1: select a.username,b.PROFILE,b.RESOURCE_NAME,b.limit from dba_users a , dba_profiles b where a.profile=b.profile and b.RESOURCE_NAME='LOGICAL_READS_PER_SESSION' and a.username='&USER_NAME' new 1: select a.username,b.PROFILE,b.RESOURCE_NAME,b.limit from dba_users a , dba_profiles b where a.profile=b.profile and b.RESOURCE_NAME='LOGICAL_READS_PER_SESSION' and a.username='TEST9' USERNAME PROFILE RESOURCE_NAME LIMIT ------------ ------------------- -------------------------------- ------------ TEST9 TEST LOGICAL_READS_PER_SESSION 23000
The value is set to 23000.
2. Connect to the user and run some query:
SQL> show user USER is "TEST9" SQL> select count(*) from dba_objects; COUNT(*) ---------- 122695
3. Check the logical reads already done by the current session:
SQL> select value from v$sesstat a, v$statname b where sid = (select distinct sid from v$mystat) and a.statistic# = b.statistic# and name = 'session logical reads'; 2 3 4 5 VALUE ---------- 20376
So out of allowed 23000, it has already used 20376. So If I run the query again, it will exceed the allowed value, throw an error.
SQL> select count(*) from dba_objects; select count(*) from dba_objects * ERROR at line 1: ORA-02394: exceeded session limit on IO usage, you are being logged off
4. To fix it , Increase the value of LOGICAL_READS_PER_SESSION IN USER PROFILE.