
How to configure streaming replication in postgres 14

In this article, we will explain how to configure streaming replication in postgres(14) from existing primary database to a new standby database( slave). The below steps will be same for POSTGRES 12/1...

EDB failover manager (EFM) for managing streaming replication

                       EDB failover manager, popularly known as EFM is a component of EDB postgres platform, is used for handling switchover and failover (including auto failover) in postg...

How to setup streaming replication in postgres 11

In this article, we will explain how to configure streaming replication in postgres (11)from existing primary database to a new standby database( slave). If your postgres version is 12 or higher , the...

How to change port number in postgres

This article explains how to change the port number in postgres. We will change the port from 5444 to 5432 . 1. Check the existing port details postgres=# select * from pg_settings where name='port'; ...