EDB replication server tool can be used to replicate tables between databases. Below topologies are supported by this tool. Between postgres to postgres Between oracle to postgres and vice versa Betwe...
How to do failover in postgres
When you master server is crashed or inaccessible, then we can do failover and promote slave server as master. ENVIRONMENT DETAILS: PRIMARY SERVER(MASTER)= STANDBY SERVER(SLAVE) =10.20.30....
How to configure streaming replication in postgres 14
In this article, we will explain how to configure streaming replication in postgres(14) from existing primary database to a new standby database( slave). The below steps will be same for POSTGRES 12/1...
How to create tablespace in postgres with streaming replication
Creating tablespace in a standalone postgres server is a very straight forward. But what if we need to create a tablespace in postgres with streaming replication enabled. Will the tablespace be crea...
EDB failover manager (EFM) for managing streaming replication
EDB failover manager, popularly known as EFM is a component of EDB postgres platform, is used for handling switchover and failover (including auto failover) in postg...
How to setup streaming replication in postgres 11
In this article, we will explain how to configure streaming replication in postgres (11)from existing primary database to a new standby database( slave). If your postgres version is 12 or higher , the...
How to change port number in postgres
This article explains how to change the port number in postgres. We will change the port from 5444 to 5432 . 1. Check the existing port details postgres=# select * from pg_settings where name='port'; ...
Schema replication using oracle goldengate
In this tutorial, we will explain how to do schema replication in goldengate. Schema replication means, replicating all the tables of a schema. 1. add supplemental for all tables of a schema [ ...
Enable DDL replication in goldengate
In this below tutorial, we will enable DDL replication for a table, which is already part of goldengate replication and currently only DML transactions are getting replicated. TABLE_NAME = APPLIAN...