ORA-09925: Unable to create audit trail file

PROBLEM: Users are getting below error, while trying to connect to the database. ERROR: ORA-09925: Unable to create audit trail file Linux-ia64 Error: 28: No space left on device Additional informatio...

ORA-00257:archiver error, connect internal only until freed

PROBLEM: Application log shows below error and users are unable to connect to the database. 0RA-00257:archiver error, connect internal only until freed ORA-16014:log 1 sequence# 280 not archived, no a...

ORA-01541: system tablespace cannot be brought offline; shut down if necessary

PROBLEM: DBA is planning to move the system database file to a new location, for which he tried to make the system tablespace offline. SQL> alter tablespace system offline; alter tablespace system ...

ORA-01994: GRANT failed: password file missing or disabled

While granting SYSDBA role to a database user, got below error. SQL> grant sysdba to DEV_DB; grant sysdba to DEV_DB * ERROR at line 1: ORA-01994: GRANT failed: password file missing or disabled SOL...

ORA-01441: cannot decrease column length because some value is too big

PROBLEM: While decreasing length of a column using alter statement, got below error. SQL> alter table dbatab modify ( dbaname varchar2(5)); alter table dbatab modify ( dbaname varchar2(5)) * ERROR ...

ORA-12850: Could not allocate slaves on all specified instances: 2 needed

PROBLEM: We have received below error in the alert log. 2017-12-07 08:01:24.890000 +03:00 Errors in file /oradbtrace/diag/rdbms/prodid2/trace/prodid2_m001_3322.trc: ORA-12850: Could not allocate slave...

ORA-12012: error on auto execute of job “SYS”.”BSLN_MAINTAIN_STATS_JOB”

PROBLEM: Below errors we have observed in the alert log of oracle 11g database. 2017-11-12 00:00:00.885000 +03:00 Errors in file /oradbtrace/diag/ecnmprod/diag/rdbms/prod1/prod/trace/prod_j000_40300.t...

ORA-20002: Version of statistics table SCOTT.STATS is too old

PROBLEM: While importing a stats table in oracle 12c, for which the stats export was done from 11g , got below error. i.e both stats table was exported from a lower version and import attempt was done...

ORA-28014: cannot drop administrative users

PROBLEM: While dropping APEX user got below error in oracle 12c, got below error.   SQL> drop user APEX_050000 cascade; drop user APEX_050000 cascade * ERROR at line 1: ORA-28014: cannot drop ...

ORA-00392: log 7 of thread 1 is being cleared, operation not allowed

PROBLEM:   I was cloning a database from rman backup . After completion of cloning, when I did RESETLOG it failed with ORA-00392 error. RMAN> alter database open resetlogs; RMAN-00571: =====...