From Oracle 12.2 onwards we can flashback a Pluggable database(PDB). And flashback is very easy and simple if LOCAL UNDO is enabled(which is also a new feature in Oracle 12.2). Let’s start the D...
How to create encrypted tablespace in PDB( oracle 12c)
For creating an encrypted tablespace in a PLUGGABLE DATABASE ( PDB) for multitenant oracle 12c setup, we need to do a few additional steps. DEMO: In the below DEMO, we will create a encrypted tablespa...
How to run expdp in pluggable database(PDB)
In the multitenant database, For getting an export dump from the pluggable database, we need a follow a bit different process. DEMO: PLUGGABLE DATABASE(PDB) – PRE1 SCHEMA_NAME – DBACLASS (...
Perform Flashback in pluggable database(PDB) in oracle 12.2
In oracle 12.2 version, we can perform flashback at PDB level also.It has no dependency on container. EXAMPLE: Create a restore point at PDB level: SQL> alter session set container=HEPDB1; SQL> ...
How to setup listener for PDBS in Multitenant database.
If you wish to setup listener for a particular PDB in the multitenant database, then follow as below. Create a listener and start it. LISTENER_DBATEST = (DESCRIPTION_LIST = (DESCRIPTION = (ADDRESS = (...
Common User vs Local User in 12c Multitenant
With oracle 12c Multitenant architecture, New terminologies for users has been introduced. LOCAL USER and COMMON USER. SEE ALSO: Oracle 12c Multitenant Architecture COMMON USER: 1.A common user is a D...
ORA-65049: creation of local user or role is not allowed in CDB$ROOT
PROBLEM: While creating a user in root container in the multitenant database, Got error ORA-65049. SQL> show con_name CON_NAME —————————...
ORA-65096: invalid common user or role name
PROBLEM: While creating a user in root container multitenant database, got the below error. SQL> show con_name CON_NAME —————————- CDB$ROOT SQL...
Local/Shared Undo mode in oracle 12.2 multitenant database
There are two undo modes in oracle 12.2 Multitenant database 1. Local undo mode 2. Shared undo mode Local undo mode: In this mode, each container ( i.e PDB ) in multitenant will have their own active ...