How to modify scan name in oracle RAC

Recently We have built a 2 node RAC.  However after setting up everything, came to know that , we have configured wrong scan-name during the installation .  So we have used below method to update th...

TNS-12542: TNS:address already in use

PROBLEM: While starting the listener, getting an error like TNS-12542: TNS:address already in use # lsnrctl start LISTENER_TEST2 LSNRCTL for Solaris: Version - Production on 03-SEP-2018 11:...

How to create listener using NETCA utility

This article explains the steps for creating a listener using NETCA GUI utility. NOTE – > utility need to execute from XMANAGER/XSHELL(From where we can call GUI),Just like DBCA or DBUA utili...

How to Enable Trace for a listener

If you want to enable trace for a listener, Then follow below steps. Set current listener:   LSNRCTL> set cur LISTENER_TEST Current Listener is LISTENER_TEST Check status LSNRCTL> status Co...