Below are the steps for enabling archive mode or wal archiving in postgres. STEPS TO ENABLE ARCHIVE MODE IN POSTGRES: 1. Check archive setting in the postgres config file: postgres=# select name,setti...
ORA-00257:archiver error, connect internal only until freed
PROBLEM: Application log shows below error and users are unable to connect to the database. 0RA-00257:archiver error, connect internal only until freed ORA-16014:log 1 sequence# 280 not archived, no a...
Enable archive log mode in Oracle RAC
Follow below steps for enabling archive log mode in oracle RAC. 1. stop the database service. srvctl stop database -d DBACLASS 2. start the database in mount state. srvctl start data...
How to recover standby database when archive logs are missing in primary
Normally in DR setup, the archives from primary shipped to standby and applied there. Suppose some of the archives hasn’t been shipped to secondary .But due to intermittence error or human ...