While creating a table using CTAS, got below error:
SQL> create table test as select * from DBACLASS.CREDIT_CARD_INFO; create table test as select * from DBACLASS.CREDIT_CARD_INFO * ERROR at line 1: ORA-28081: Insufficient privileges - the command references a redacted object.
The error indicates, that the objects which we are trying to access is redacted column, i.e DBMS_REDACTIONS function has been applied to it.
Fir, t find the list of redacted table/columns:
10:21:13 SYS@BSSTDM SQL> select OBJECT_OWNER,OBJECT_NAME,COLUMN_NAME from redaction_columns; OBJECT_OWNER OBJECT_NAME COLUMN_NAME ------------------------------ ------------------------------ ------------------------------ DBACLASS CREDIT_CARD_INFO ENROLL_DATE DBACLASS CREDIT_CARD_INFO CARD_NO 4 rows selected.
We can check the status of redaction policies also:
SQL> select OBJECT_OWNER,OBJECT_NAME,POLICY_NAME,ENABLE from redaction_policies; OBJECT_OWNER OBJECT_NAME POLICY_NAME ENABLE ------------------------------ ------------------------------ ------------------------------ ------- DBACLASS CREDIT_CARD_INFO TEST_P YES 2 rows selected.
We can see two columns (ENROLL_DATE, CARD_NO) of the table has been redacted.So to be able to acess these objects user should have EXEMPT REDACTION POLICY privilege.
Lets grant that privilege and try the CTAS operation.
SQL>grant EXEMPT REDACTION POLICY to RAJ; grant succeeded SQL>connect raj/raj connected SQL> create table test as select * from DBACLASS.CREDIT_CARD_INFO; Table created.
NOTE – DBA role already includes this EXPEMPT REDACTION POLICY privilege.